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7 – 11am – Morning Practice

11 – 1pm – Brunch

1 – 5.30pm – Afternoon Session

5.30 – 7.00pm – Dinner

7– 9pm – Evening Session

10pm – Bedtime

what is included



We will explore what it means to bring ourselves home to the body as a grounded and loving masculine presence through breath, movement, meditation, embodiment practices and physical confrontation.

Sacred Connection

As a brotherhood we will not only connect intimately with each other, but with the deepest corners of hearts and emotions that are longing to be felt, heard and released in a safe container of mature brotherhood.

Honest Brotherhood

We will connect in profound honesty and transparency with ourselves and with one another as brothers.  In the space of sacred brotherhood, there is no more lone wolfing and there is no way to hide from the love we will share with each other.


We will connect with the spiritual dimension and essential nature of our being through meditation, yoga, breathwork, Qi Gong and more as a way to remember who we truly are and embody our masculine core.

1th December– 5th December2023


The Awakened Masculine Intensive is a 5 day initiatory retreat for men on healthy masculine embodiment, deep inner work and the healing power of sacred brotherhood. 


This is a retreat for the man who is longing to feel fully home in himself, in the world and in true brotherhood with other men. This is for the man ready to face the hidden parts of his past that keep him from being the fullest expression of his most empowered and deepest Self. 


In this retreat we will explore what it means to embody our deepest truth as men and how to give our masculine gifts in a powerful and Earth changing way for the benefit of ourselves, our partners, our families, our communities and the future generations of this planet.  



Hello, I'm Ori!

He is here to illuminate, to empower, to remind, to celebrate - all that is Real.
to decondition, to face, to uncover, to drop - all that is not.

He believes in freedom through radical authenticity, the one that starts with ourselves. 

In his work with others invites a deep look into our shadows in order to bring light and understanding to them, to come into right relation with those parts of ourselves in order to reclaim our power, freedom, to reach our full potential.

For the past years he has been teaching, facilitating, coaching 1 on 1, holding retreats and workshops around the world in the fields of Men's work, Shadow Work, and Sexual Alchemy.
In his work he puts together everything he has studied and practiced, with passion & dedication - offering a powerful transmission, facilitating transformation.

Hello, my name is Ian.

Ian is a men's work facilitator and coach, couples intimacy/tantra teacher, breathwork facilitator, kambô practitioner and yoga/meditation teacher.

In 2012 Ian left his life as a club promoter and hotel manager in New York city after a rock bottom experience with his drug and alcohol addiction.  In search for meaning and healing Ian spent 9 years and continuing in deep practice and study of ancient spiritual traditions and healing arts around the world. From living in ashrams in India, to buddhist monasteries in Myanmar, to being an apprentice to an Ayahuasca shaman in the Amazon to studying with masters of modern healing modalities around the world he not only transformed his own life, but created his own modalities for healing and awakening which he now shares in his programs, workshops and ceremonies around the world. 

Ian combines his knowledge of trauma, psychology, yoga, meditation, tantra, sacred intimacy, and group healing to help guide others to embodied wholeness, truth and peace.  

Black Background



The cost for the retreat, including all meals, accommodation and teachings is as follows:
DORM (Four private beds, shared bathroom) – $565

PRIVATE ROOM (One bed, shared bathroom) – $595

TREE HOUSE & COTTAGE (Private house for one person, private bathroom) – $675

FOREST CABIN & CASA BLANCA (Private house for one person, private bathroom) – $675

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